Boils in the Pubic Can Be Annoying, Know How to Treat Them

Ulcers in the genitals arise in the form of lumps that grow in the pubic area due to inflammation and pus inside. The growth of boils on the genitals, can cause discomfort, even disrupt daily activities. Ulcers occur due to skin infections that commonly occur in hair follicles or oil glands. At first the skin will appear red due to inflammation, then swell and form lumps. This was then followed by the onset of pus about 4-7 days after the infection occurred. Initially the boil can feel itchy, then it becomes painful and annoying. Pubic cysts can grow on the outside of the genitals, around pubic hair, or in women can grow on the vaginal lips.

Understanding the Causes and Risk Factors for Ulcer Growth

Most boils are caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. These bacteria generally enter through small cuts on the skin, which are often not recognized. Ulcers can also be caused by the entry of foreign objects into the skin, or oil glands that are clogged to cause infection. Hair growth disorders, such as ingrown hair growth, can also trigger ulcers. Diabetics are more at risk of developing boils. That's because diabetes, especially those whose blood sugar levels are out of control, can make the body weaker making it difficult to fight against various causes of infection, including bacterial infections of the skin. Some other risk factors that can trigger the growth of boils, including boils on the genitals, include:
  • Problems with the immune system
  • Malnutrition
  • Poor body hygiene
  • How to shave
  • Exposure to chemicals or clothing that can irritate the skin.

How to Treat Boils in the Pubic

Most boils on the genitals are generally relatively mild, so do not require special medical care. Boils will disappear on their own in a matter of days or weeks. The thing to remember, do not ever solve ulcers yourself. This action can actually make the wound, which might cause the infection to become more severe, and more disturbing. If the boils are large enough and feel very disturbing, it's good if you consult with your doctor to get the right treatment. If the boil is classified as mild, then the doctor will recommend treatment that can be done at home. You can help relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process by compressing boils with warm water. This method is useful for reducing pain and helping to draw pus to the surface. After that, generally boils will break on their own. When the boils start to dry, you are advised to keep clean the ulcer rupture using a clean rinse of water that can be mixed with antiseptic fluid, and apply an antibiotic ointment that is prescribed by the doctor before covering the gauze. You can routinely clean the affected area 2-3 times a day with a warm compress. If treatment at home is ineffective or if the ulcer or wound is getting worse, then immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment of ulcers in the genitals. Possible actions the doctor will take include:
  • Incision and drainage

  • This action is to drain the boil by making a small incision at the tip, then using a sterile instrument to help remove pus.
  • Antibiotics

  • The doctor will prescribe antibiotics to deal with fairly severe infections.
Although classified as mild, watch out for genital ulcers accompanied by symptoms such as fever and chills, swelling of the lymph nodes, unbearable pain or the appearance of other ulcers. Do not hesitate to consult with a doctor to handle it.


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